Maintaining Pressure on the Met for an Investigation into Alleged Postal Voting Fraud in Tower Hamlets (2)
Posted on | Thursday, 21 June 2012 | No Comments
(1) How disappointing; the WebChat was little short of a farce, with a constant steam of unanswered questions rolling through the Met's HashTag #AskMetBoss.
As for my own questions, they received this (Private) response:
[Private Message to Grenville Mills] Hi, if you give us your contact details we will follow it up after the chat with the Commissioner? (Reply Privately)
Why a private exchange? What is it with this voting issue that causes so much subterfuge?
To compound matters, we were subjected to the following: (6 times!)
While the Commissioner answers this question please watch this video.
This is not the way forward Commissioner. A WebChat project on this scale cannot possibly succeed and you were poorly advised to launch it. It suffers from the same mentality that would have us believe an MP representing 70,000 constituents, can fairly listen to, and represent their interests. Much better you devolve this project down to your Borough Commanders and if possible Wards. This will achieve a workable ratio of public/police dialogue.
p.s. And please, if we are invited to a WebChat, no force fed videos.
(2) Finally on Thursday 21 June 2012, I was able to deliver my collective emails on alleged Postal Voting Fraud prior to the Spitalfields and Banglatown bi-election personally to the Met's Borough Commander, Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer. On Friday I received a call from his office to say that a formal response will be issued next week.

Maintaining Pressure on the Met for an Investigation into Alleged Postal Voting Fraud in Tower Hamlets (1)
Tomorrow, Thursday 21 June, I will be (1) joining the Metropolitan Police Commissioner's afternoon WebChat during which I will raise the issue of alleged Postal Voting fraud prior to the Spitalfields and Banglatown bi-election, and (2) in the evening I will be attending a Community Briefing by Tower Hamlets Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer, during which I will again raise this issue, specifically:
Why Tower Hamlets Chief Superintendent Dave Stringer has not answered THREE emails concerning accusations of electoral fraud prior to the Spitalfields and Banglatown bi-election. For reference, the Electoral Commission stated that it does not have power to investigate alleged electoral fraud and it is the responsibility of the Police. The Police have so far not even provided (separately requested by me) a single point of contact for electoral offences.
In light of the exceptionally high and unprecedented postal vote and rejection rate during the bi-election, there is ample justification for the Metropolitan Police to investigate and they were asked to:
1. Interview each of the 956 constituents who submitted a postal vote to establish whether any were forced to vote under duress (a clear risk in postal voting), and
2. Examine each of the 135 rejected PVS and in the case of fraudulent signatures/submissions, prosecute as appropriate. (These documents will be destroyed after 1 year)
To recap:
40% of votes were Postal (i.e., 956)
Of these the reject rate was 14% Reject (i.e., 135)
The margin of victory was just 43 votes

Anti Social Behaviour and Lutfur Rahman's Cheeky Roadshow
Posted on | Sunday, 17 June 2012 | No Comments
There is an old East-End Music Hall monologue that starts, "Saturday night in Bethnal Green, naptha lamps a-flarin' Along the gutters for nearly a mile, and men and wimmen blarin". Times have changed in a 100 years, but we can still find a modern version of long lost Music Hall entertainment at the Town Hall and every Sunday night courtesy of clown Lutfur Rahman's East End Life (EEL). This little man's army of quisling editorial staff routinely haul the integrity of a free press through the gutters of dictatorial third world censorship and cheap propaganda, and then have the gall to force this rag through every letter box in the Borough. I say 'force' as it somehow appears in letterboxes in secure apartment blocks, but then that's another issue.
Today's monologue - how much of this rag does today's Joseph Grimaldi write himself? - promotes him, his small posse of followers, and his THEOs. It's the sheer impudence of the man that's turning him from a threat into a Music Hall act. Most in the Borough will remember that the Metropolitan Police, in conjunction with Safer Neighbourhood Teams, recently completed an exhaustive series of Ward by Ward community meetings. They were big, and well resourced by the Met, SNT, and occasionally THEOs. The focus was unreservedly on anti social behaviour (ASB) and it was a Met initiative.
Notwithstanding the sheer effort and co-operation of the above exercise, scantily reported in the EEL incidentally - in fact I only remember the Met's own advertisements, Mr Rahman has ordered the penning of this piece of self publicity in today's EEL:
'Residents had the opportunity to raise their concerns about ASB....when Mayor Lutfur Rahman put on a community road show with his Deputy, and Cllr Gulam Robbani'. Gulam Robbani, remember, is the controversially elected councillor for Spitalfields and Banglatown.
Music Hall, aka Town Hall - have times changed that much after all? Perhaps the difference is that we once laughed with the clowns, not at them.

Monarchy or Republic? The Proposition is Premature
Posted on | Friday, 1 June 2012 | No Comments
On Tuesday 29 May 2012, I attended a debate at the Bishopsgate Institute entitled, 'Monarchy or Republic?’ The Panel of speakers were:
Supporting Monarchy
Jacques Arnold (former MP and member of Council of the Constitutional Monarchy Assoc)
Peter Conradi (journalist and author)
Supporting a Republic
Graham Smith (Republic’s CEO)
Joan Smith (columnist and author)
Before the debate commenced the audience were asked to vote on the proposition, 'should we end the Monarchy'. 4 voted 'no', 3 'undecided', and the remainder (around 60) voted 'yes'. The effect of this overwhelming support for the Republican argument resulted in raucous shouts of outrage whenever the Monarchists spoke and rounds of applause extolling almost every Republican viewpoint, regardless of the banality of many comments.
However, it soon became apparent to me that the whole argument of Monarchy v Republic is a side issue to whether we want to be administered within a true democratic system or a sham one. I’ve blogged many times on concerns over our democracy here, here and here.
I was one of the 3 abstainers by the way, but by the end of the evening, was left deeply concerned that so many in the audience blindly supported pro Republican arguments that were clearly flawed, or at the very least, were open to more critical debate. Here is an extract from the first speaker, Joan Smith which basically summed up the level of debate:
She commenced by proclaiming that she loves voting and elections, emphasising the value of our democratic process. Her naïve faith in what I consider to be an outdated and dysfunctional process undermined her credibility from the outset.
Next she ploughed into the quagmire of the Sovereign’s wealth, tax concessions and restricted Freedom of Information (FoI) access. Well, excuse me for mentioning this but our Government gives away unmandated sums far larger than the Sovereign's collective wealth to failed banks and in Foreign Aid. I’ve only to mention Dave Hartnett to send shivers down the spine of HMRC when they reflect on their reluctance to claw back tax owed by major corporations. As for FoI (aka transparency), hello Mr Lansley can we have that NHS Risk Report please?
Already disillusioned by the banality of the lead speaker’s arguments, Ms Smith then announced, ‘the Queen was never interviewed for the job!’ Words almost fail me on this revelation by the obviously popular columnist and author, who incidentally complained that the Queen ignored her after the prickly journalist greeted HRH (at the Palace no less) with a simple ‘hello’. One suspects she’s carried the grudge ever since. Does Ms Smith believe for example that Lutfur Rahman, Tower Hamlets ‘elected’ Mayor (elected incidentally by just 13% of the electorate) was interviewed before he took office controlling a £1billion+ annual budget and wielding almost despotic power? Or that any politician for that matter is interviewed other than by their own party electoral committees that are by definition not representative of the total electorate?
The remaining speakers swayed me to believe there is no substantive case for a Republic and I was getting an uncomfortable feeling that an angry petite bourgeoisie jealousy was bubbling to the surface through their flimsy arguments. Did this Republican cause consider that society ought to be respecting them rather than the untouchable Monarch – seen as a barrier to their own oligarchy’s upward mobility? One dreads to consider the prospect of a Joan Smith Lord Protector.
The final pitiful comment by Ms Smith was to decry the national campaign for the country to be bedecked in ‘red, white and blue’ to mark the Jubilee celebrations. But then perhaps that’s in line with a Cromwellian Puritanism that would denounce any form of revelry, or festivity. Personally I’ll be flying the flag and hanging bunting - out of national pride; the celebrations are an opportunity for the nation to unite – young and old, poor and rich, black and white. One flag, one people. For the time being at least, God Save the Queen.

Comments to The Guardian
Hardest Hit: Disabled people march in London – Wednesday 11 May 2011
Your comment 11 May 2011 6:46PM
And so the bejeweled and bedecked Ms Maria Miller isn't prepared to address the very people she has been appointed to represent. Rather she prefers to steal from them the very sustenance that gives any meaning to their lives. This is then, the real face of our caring, conscientious, compassionate Government. Look hard at Ms Miller and explain her complacent countenance to the blind man.
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Overseas relatives of British families to lose visit visa appeal rights
Your comment 11 May 2011 4:08PM
Someone has their facts seriously wrong here.
When the UK Border Agency's director of appeals and removals, Phil Douglas states 'family visit visas are the only visit visa decisions taken by entry clearance officers abroad that still attract a full right of appeal', and the British High Commission in Malaysia states 'a family visit visa decision does not attract a full right of appeal under section 82(1) of the Nationality Immigration and Asylum Act 2002'
Who's right? If there is anyone out there with an update please let me know. TQ
Councils slashing free adult social care
Your comment 16 April 2011 1:30PM
This is not the time for jest in comment; i's tragic, truly tragic that we, as a caring society, allow this appalling decision and do nothing. We are becoming punch drunk from so many catastrophic decisions by the government that they no longer have the will to object. They can probably get away with almost anything they wish now...
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Nick Clegg rejects call to pull out of coalition government
Your comment 12 April 2011 7:32PM
Just sever ties with government Clegg, you've already severed any link to integrity, believability and courage. Go Clegg before criticism turns into disgust.
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Nick Clegg ally threatens to quit over pace of coalition's NHS reforms
Your comment 10 April 2011 4:56PM
Take Clegg with you!
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David Cameron's well-oiled winning machine is now a car crash
Your comment 9 April 2011 4:34PM
This is more than incompetence on a grand scale, it's becoming positively scary that we may have elected delusional fanatics to high office, and under our democratic system of government - can't remove them until their term of office expires. Can you imagine running a corporation on this basis?!
Rhetoric and demonstrations aren't penetrating the inner sanctum of power. We need larger and larger demonstrations of the nation's rage at Cameron's incompetence. Reflect of these words from an oppressed slave:
“Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.” ~Frederick Douglass
So, the electorate needs to march and demonstrate again and again. If Cameron continues to ignore the rage he has induced, then the country will witness the end of peaceful demonstrations, and chaos will ensue...Cameron must go!
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Kenneth Clarke ready to bring in troops if strikes erupt over privatised prison
Your comment 31 March 2011 6:44PM
Turning the army on their own people is, I would have thought, a lesson 3rd world countries have recently taught us not to do!
Maybe its to be the sucker punch Cameron and his bully boys have coming!
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After the TUC march: Now for the harder bit
Your comment 28 March 2011 3:09PM
It's easy to attack the poor through social service cuts - they can't effectively fight back. For the march the forth estate can't even agree whether there were 250,000 or 500,000 protesting. Either way it doesn't matter. Vince Cable blatantly confirms this is announcing, 'No government would change in response to 500,000 protesters'. Attack the banks and corporate tax dodgers on the other hand and the government gets a smart smack in the face.
So, it seems, we are faced with more of a dictatorship than a democracy. Un ungovernable flip-flop electorate incapable of sustained economic and social progress.
Rather than criticise or wonder what will transpire over the coming months and years, why don't you - The Guardian, come up with a draft alternative budget and put that to your readership for review.
Why leave the economy to inexperienced politicians, appointed by their peers and not the electorate? Lead the way and draw together a panel of experts and let's start preparing an alternative way forwards.
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March for the alternative – Saturday 26 March part 1
Your comment 26 March 2011 5:33PM
5.27pm:•Department store Fortnum & Mason has been occupied by protesters from breakaway groups. Riot police have set up a kettle around the area.
You know perfectly well who the 'breakaway' group is - UKUncut, and you equally know what their reason for occupying the store is - why on earth don't you state that!? Sloppy, biased journalism
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Anti-cuts march: police prepare for violent minority
Your comment 25 March 2011 4:28PM
As expected, media coverage is focusing on the sensational side issues - read the headline again - ' Anti-cuts march: police prepare for violent minority'.
Unruly splinter groups are not the news! over 100,000 people demonstrating their rage at the governments cuts to public spending is the issue and should be reported as such.
It's little wonder the UK gets the wrong message when incompetent or bias reporters are allowed to publish propaganda like this!
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Neoliberal policies have no place in the post-crash world
Your comment 23 March 2011 4:40PM
It's time we revised the Bretton Woods outcome to support Keynes original objective of establishing a supranational currency - the Bancor.
We know to our regret that his proposal of introducing a supranational currency did not prevail against the interests of the United States, who established the U.S. dollars as world key currency. It's failed as has neoliberalism.
It is appropriate that the UK lead the world towards the new society based on Keynes' farsighted Bancor system
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Libya air strikes - Monday 21 March part 1
Your comment 21 March 2011 3:07PM
Today's briefing at the Ministry of Defence reflected the tension that exists between the commanders and ..... their political masters
Fox, Hague, and Cameron - cock up after cock up - it's frightening to have these incompetent under performers directing military operations. A raised eyebrow from the top brass today - may become a coup tomorrow. Gaddafi has more grasp on reality then this feckless bunch of idiots.
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Libya attack – Sunday 20 March
Your comment 20 March 2011 5:00PM
This comment has been removed by a moderator.
Libya attack – Sunday 20 March
Your comment 20 March 2011 4:07PM
Let's all understand this: (1) the UK lands ground forces in Libya - without any UN clearance - only to have them captured, (2) then our feckless Government dither over actioning a 'no fly zone' finally allowing the neo-Napoleon Nicolas Zarcozy to steel a march on his allies my claiming French air strikes, then worst of all we allow perfidious North America to take overall control of the operation.
Why do we tolerate such an incompetent government leadership in this country?
With regard to the developed fawning relationship our post war governments have adopted towards the North Americans, keep in mind the recent history of military catastrophes the North Americans have suffered. Not just in Vietnam but Iraq, Afghanistan and North Pakistan and and all the collateral civilian damage caused, and then you will realise what horrors lay in store for civilians in Libya. Any moral high ground the North Americans may have had was destroyed when Nixon pardoned the My Lai mass murder Calley due to public pressure - yes public pressure for his release! and Obama only days ago authorising the release from Pakistan of the convicted CIA operative and murdered Raymond Davis. Do we want to be allied to a country who have shown they care less about civilian collateral damage, who are intent on covering up their war crimes and foreign assassinations? They will draw us all into hell hole believing their actions are accountable to no one.
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The Arab uprisings demand strong support from the British government
Your comment 6 March 2011 9:40PM
"SAS-backed Libyan diplomatic mission ends in humiliation"
What more needs to be said. Hague is a total incompetent, and part of a light weight team who continue to under perform in every area of Home and Foreign policy, to the country's shame and embarrassment.
Some how, they must be ejected from office, or are we all too apathetic to care a toss.
Mr Cameron gets a lesson on the need for a proper foreign policy
Your comment 27 February 2011 1:37AM
Rank amateur is an understatement. The boy Cameron, Clegg, Hague, and Fox - individually and collectively - demonstrate that the Peter Principle ( "In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence") is alive and kicking at the highest level of Government.
As far as the Civil Service issue is concerned, it's little more than a case of the tail wagging the incompetent dog.
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Libyans have suffered enough. Muammar Gaddafi must go
Your comment 23 February 2011 8:44PM
The Guardian has removed the option to comment on today's leading articles. Why?
On this one: "Libya crisis: Cameron and Hague vow to rescue stranded Britons" it must be said that the boy Cameron and his feckless Foreign Secretary Hague have yet again screwed up and compounded their failure by yet more lies - now clearly a character defect throughout the cabinet.
Other countries have successfully rescued their nationals, some with military transport. We have shown the world that we can't even get a single plane off the ground. It seems Cameron's intention is to transform Great Briton into little britain - the laughing stock of the world.
My guess is that the our military, the best fighting force - man for man, in the world, is reacting to the cuts this government are tragically making. Boris Johnson's lies to cover up cuts to the Met will mean both our military and police will welcome a change in Government. God know, something needs to be done and urgently.
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Gaddafi speech and Libya unrest – as it happened
Your comment 23 February 2011 2:09AM
Guardian, are you missing something here? Yesterday you reported Hague's statement that he had seen evidence that Gaddafi was on his way to Venezuela.
Is nobody questioning this man, to establish where his information came from?
I suggested at the time he was simply a mouthpiece of the North American Administration attempting to link Chavez with the madman Gaddafi.
Let's hear from our puppet of a Foreign Secretary...
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